Mississippi Reproductive Medicine

What is egg donation?
Egg donation involves using eggs from a donor to help a couple build their family. The egg is combined with sperm from the intended father of the expected child. An "egg donor" can be either anonymous or known to the recipient couple. MRM can help with either approach.

Who needs an egg donor?
Women may seek an egg donor due to problems with their own eggs, for genetic reasons, or due to other reproductive problems. Women who have poor egg quality or decreased egg quantity may have diminished ovarian reserve. MRM provides a series of tests to determine if a patient has diminished ovarian reserve. Patients who might benefit from egg donation may be affected by:

  • premature ovarian failure
  • genetic abnormalities that would be passed to offspring
  • prior surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy affecting the ovary
  • repeated IVF failure
  • recurrent pregnancy loss
  • advanced reproductive age

Is egg donation successful?
This process is generally one of the most successful therapies used to help couples achieve a pregnancy. By utilizing an egg donor, a patient who has poor egg quality/quantity (diminished ovarian reserve) can attain a significantly higher pregnancy rate than she would if using her own eggs. The pregnancy is carried by the patient and delivery assures that she is the birth mother and therefore adoption is not needed. The husband is the genetic father of the child, just as he would be with traditional IVF.

Who can become an egg donor?
Many women are candidates. MRM has a program for both anonymous and known egg donors. Egg donors should be between the ages of 21-34. They should be nonsmokers, in good health, and have regular menstrual cycles. Birth control pills, prior tubal ligation, or other contraceptive methods will not prohibit becoming a donor. All donors are asked to fill out an extensive questionnaire, followed by an in-person visit and screening by the staff at MRM. Donors must meet all FDA criteria.

Is any compensation available?
Yes, financial compensation is given to the egg donor the day of the egg retrieval.

What is an egg donor cycle?
If you are selected to become an egg donor, you will be instructed on the specifics of an egg donor cycle. You will be expected to take 10-12 days of medications and make 3-4 clinic appointments including ultrasounds and lab work. The day of the egg retrieval, you will have "conscious sedation" provided by an anesthesiologist and the eggs will be retrieved in our office. Once this procedure is completed, your egg donor cycle is completed.

What should I do if I want to become an egg donor?
Please send an email to mtribble@reproductivemedms.com, and you will be contacted by our staff.